search contract research
Department of Geographical Information Systems, Cartography and Remote Sensing Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences Jagiellonian University
keywords: environment, geographical information, spatial planning, remote sensing, cartography
offer number: 23
research topics:
- the development of geographical information science and technology (GIS&T):
- the impact of the development of GIS&T on contemporary geography and other natural science disciplines (e.g. studies related to fragmentation and connectivity on the special level);
- geographic data acquisition, quality and methods of data processing (spatial analysis, remote sensing, satellite navigation);
- new GIS&T application areas such as real estate, social participation in urban online spatial information systems, wind power;
- transformation of the natural environment and of the coupled human-environment systems:
- analysis and modeling of land cover and land use change, in different time scales, especially in the Carpathians;
- man – environment relations under specific Carpathian conditions;
- e-learning in teaching GIS&T – application possibilities of e-learning in teaching GIS&T and applications of GIS&T in teaching geography at various stages of education.
test equipment:
- satellite navigation receivers: 4 sets of Mobile mapper 10 with the post-processing option, 1 set of Mobile Mapper 100 Total GIS with the GPS / GLONASS and post-processing option;
- FRAGSTATS, ILWIS, Quantum GIS software.
comercial research:
- spatial planning, regional development and environmental protection including the following:
- assessment of status and threats to the environment;
- delimitation of particularly valuable areas (e.g. ecological corridors);
- land-use change scenarios;
- visualization of spatial data;
- education in the field of GIS&T / remote sensing;
- processing and interpretation of satellite and aerial images;
- analysis with the use of archive and contemporary cartographic materials;
- analysis and modeling of geographic information;
- in-field geographic information acquisition using satellite navigation and laser scanning (with sub-meter accuracy);
- quality assessment of geographical information and its processing outputs.
Methods and research techniques:
- transformation (geometric and radiometric) and interpretation (including automatic classification) of satellite and aerial images;
- geometric correction, transformation and interpretation of cartographic materials;
- spatial analysis and modeling in GIS environment using advanced statistical and mathematical methods;
- geo-visualization.
experience / references / projects:
- doctoral theses prepared in cooperation with enterprises supported by the funds of the „Doctus – Malopolska scholarship fund for PhD students” programme (PO KL – Action 8.2 Transfer of Knowledge, Sub-action 8.2.2 Regional Innovation Strategies);
- postgraduate studies in Geographic Information Systems UNIGIS for employees – two editions in 2006-2008 and 2010-2012 within the framework of projects supported by EU funds (SPO RZL – Action: 2.3 Development of the modern economy Staff, Sub-action 2.3.2 Improving Staff skills and qualifications and PO KL – Action 2.1 Development of modern economy Staff, Sub – action 2.1.1 Development of human capital in enterprises;
- the project entitled „Preparation of spatial database for ecological corridors in Malopolska – Phase I” on request of the Regional Directorate of Environmental Protection in Krakow. Time frame: 08. 2012 – 11.2012. Digital database contains information on the borders of the main places of concentration and on the most commonly used migration routes in case of eight mammals species, the collisions places of migrant animals with cars and railway and the existing and planned infrastructure used by animals to cross the barriers of transportation routes. Data were collected from representatives of hunting clubs, national forests, national parks, scientists conducting research on ecological corridors, Polish national Railways, GDDKiA;
- analysis of possibilities to use the image data in spatial planning (PEPW No. 4000101990/10/NL/HE „Implementation and dissemination of satellite techniques for geospatial analysis in the urban management of cities and agglomerations in Poland” [UrbanSat]) on request of the Centre for Space Research PAN. Work in the project was based on an assessment of the suitability of very high resolution data and automatic classification methods in the process of obtaining information about land use and urban planning. Time frame: 12.2010 – 12.2011. The results of the team’s work n the project was an evaluative report on the accuracy of methods for automatic classification of very high resolution images, which was performer on the test area (Warsaw) according to the methodology used in Austria. The report contains an assessment and discussion of the causes of errors as well as recommendations aimed at improving the accuracy;
- the project entitled „Hiking routes in Malopolska – the integration of a variety of trails and other attractions in a coherent comprehensive regional product” No. MRPO.03.01.03-12-124/09 (under the Malopolska Regional Operational Programme, Priority Axis: 3 Tourism and culture industry, Action: 3.1 Development of tourism infrastructure, Scheme C: Development of products and tourist offer of the region). Time frame: 2012 – 2013 (2018). Launch and maintenance of the Hiking Routes Geoportal in Malopolska. Geoportal is supported by ArcGIS Server.
variants of cooperation: contract research, project, consortium
type of services: analysis, devices for rent, expertises
information / broker of Jagiellonian University
name and surname:
phone number: + 48 12 664 42 00