search contract research
Department of Organic Materials Physics Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science Jagiellonian University
keywords: biomedical applications of physics and chemistry, dynamics and biomolecular interactions
offer number: 84
research topics:
- percolation in biological and biomimetic systems,
- flexibility substrates and cell migration,
- study the behavior of the final layer of water on the surfaces of biological and biocompatible porous materials in terms of loss of continuity (percolation) and kinetics of dehydration,
- study of the biophysical mechanisms regulating cell migration processes (impact the mechanical properties of the substrate on the biophysical parameters migration and growth of various cell types),
test equipment:
- broadband impedance spectrometer Novocontrol CONCEPT 80,
- system of "optical tweezers" optical trap or optical pinceta "PALM MicroTweezers" Zeiss,
comercial research:
- impedance measurements of various materials in a wide frequency range, dielectric relaxation, conductivity, electrochemical and bioelectric phenomena in the very low frequencies,
- trapping particles of size from about 0.1 μm to 100 μm using the optical tweezers system,
- study the percolation of continuity of molecular network of water and kinetics of dehydration of porous materials,
- study of the biophysical mechanisms regulating cell migration processes (impact the mechanical properties of the substrate on the biophysical parameters migration and growth of various cell types),
- study cell migration in response to the topography of the ground,
methods and research techniques:
- broadband impedance spectroscopy,
- Patch-clamp and Optical-Tweezers technique,
- confocal microscopy,
variants of cooperation: contract research, project, consortium
type of services: analysis, devices for rent, expertises
information / broker of Jagiellonian University
name and surname:
phone number: + 48 12 664 42 00