ATOMIN 2.0 - ATOMic scale science for the INnovative economyA center for atomic-scale materials research for an innovative economy, the so-called Atomin 2.0 project, has been established as a part of a joint venture of the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University. | Big Pharma Day onlineBig Pharma Day online is an industry meeting on the development of drug projects, organized by CTT CITTRU, happening on March 25, 2021. The event will include expert presentations and individual meetings. | A new, effective method for obtaining common ash cuttingsDiscover a new technology for obtaining cuttings of common ash developed by the interdisciplinary research team from the Jagiellonian University and the University of Agriculture in Krakow. |
Development of biotization technology for commercial and ecological production of berry fruitsThe scientific team from Jagiellonian University developed an inoculum that stimulates seedling growth. | JU scientists to develop biological agricultural support solutionsThe project “Interactions between plants and microorganisms in response to the presence of potentially toxic metals, metalloids and silicon (Si)” by Prof. Katarzyna Turnau from the JU Faculty of Biology won a grant from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. The study aimed at replacing the widespread use of agrochemicals with biological agricultural support solutions will also involve researchers from Slovakia and Austria. | JU students will help people suffering from depressionTherapify is a mobile application designed to help depressed people. It was first conceived by Łukasz Pstrong, a graduate of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, and developed over the course of the last two years with collaborators from his university, the Jagiellonian University, and SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. |
Plakaty Demo Day II +In January, we complete the project managed by CTT CITTRU as part of the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education - Incubator of Innovation +. We supported, among others, 18 research teams selected in the competition, that develop innovative technologies. Thanks to the funds granted by CTT CITTRU and hard work of technology transfer officers, pre-implementation research was financed, which increased the attractiveness of these inventions and investors interest in them. Take look at the gallery of posters for technologies, developed as part of the project. What do you think about it |